Enrol with Ewing.

Ewing Kindergarten is currently taking waitlist enrolment applications for our 3yo and 4yo programs. We welcome your waitlist application for enrolment, noting your child must have turned 3 years old before 30 April (attendance year).

To apply, please complete our online application form which includes a non-refundable application fee of $50 payable by credit card via the Enrol now button below.

We are currently taking enrolments for 2026. Enrolments for 2027 will open Monday 17 March 2025.

Tours are scheduled on Tuesdays.


3 Year-Old

2 day program | $1,090 per term

Monday and Thursday

Tuesday and Friday

4 Year-Old

3 day program | $1,520 per term

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

The Details

  • To secure your child’s enrolment, you will receive an enrolment offer. To finalise this and confirm your child’s position, a $300 Enrolment Deposit will be charged.

    The deposit is retained as part payment on term fees. The deposit will be returned to you as a credit within the Invoice for your Term 4 Fees (refer to Fee Details).

  • Fees for both the three year-old and four year-old programs are set by the Ewing Kindergarten Committee of Management, and are reviewed annually. Parents can access the complete Fee Policy for Ewing Kindergarten here

    Ewing Kindergarten will publish the full fee schedule for both the three year-old and four year-old programs at the start of the calendar year, including the dates that each term’s fees will be invoiced, charged and due.

    Fees charged include a hat for your child and all of the incursions, excursions and enrichment activities provided by engaged specialists and community visitors as part of our Curriculum.

  • A $140 maintenance levy is applicable per child. Generally, three working bees are held each year to provide parents with the opportunity to reduce their maintenance levy by contributing to the upkeep and maintenance of our premises. A full refund of the $140 maintenance levy applies if one of the three working bees are attended. A full refund of the $140 maintenance levy can apply if families voluntarily contribute in other ways throughout the year – this refund is at the discretion of the Committee of Management.

  • You may be eligible for Fee Relief if you have an eligible Health Care Card. There may be other circumstances for which you may be eligible for Fee relief.

    Individual ad hoc approaches for fee relief should be made in writing to the Ewing Kindergarten Committee of Management, care of the Treasurer. Each case will be considered on its merits and held in the strictest of confidence.